Interactive Multimedia I

National Pathway
Kansas Pathway
This course will introduce students to Adobe Flash Professional. Students will learn to create vector-based artwork with the tools available in Flash. Importing artwork created in other programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator will also be explored.
Course Number
IMD 180 O

Digital Video Production II

National Pathway
Kansas Pathway
This class will explore techniques to improve your digital video productions including workflow, shooting, and non-linear editing techniques. Preproduction tasks such as brainstorming, working with clients, and storyboarding will be practiced.
Course Number
IMD 170 O

3D Graphics and Animation II

National Pathway
Kansas Pathway
Animation II focuses on the basic principles of animation. Students will learn a variety of new techniques to control animation and make it look more realistic. Tangent types, dope sheet, curve editor and adjusting the timing of animation will be explored. Inverse Kinematics will be introduced as well as animating a Biped figure.
Course Number
IMD 161 O

Photoshop for Multimedia

National Pathway
Kansas Pathway
During this course, students will be introduced to Adobe Photoshop and discuss visual communication as a multimedia professional. We will start by getting to know the workspace, tools and panels available in Photoshop. Next, we will explore selection techniques, painting and retouching, layers, smart objects, and filters. Concepts such as RGB vs.
Course Number
IMD 150 O

Digital Video Production I

National Pathway
Kansas Pathway
Students will be introduced to the basics of videography, the use of tripods and camera heads, lighting, and microphone usage. Basic editing will also be covered. Students will gain hands experience in shooting, composition and editing. The art of storytelling through the use of visual imagery will be covered.
Course Number
IMD 140 O

3D Graphics and Animation I

National Pathway
Kansas Pathway
In this course, students will be introduced to concepts in computer modeling and basic animation. Students will complete a project that involves creating standard primitives, polygon modeling, creating materials, lights, and cameras, and finally, animating and rendering a scene.
Course Number
IMD 131 O

Digital Storytelling

National Pathway
Kansas Pathway
Telling a story through a digital medium presents many challenges and opportunities. Students will learn to combine technical skills with the art of storytelling. Experimenting with a variety of sound, still image, and video editing tools, students will learn to choose the right tool for the job.
Course Number
IMD 125 O

Principles of Computer Graphics

National Pathway
Kansas Pathway
This course will focus on a variety of multimedia and computer based graphics fundamentals. These core concepts will be built upon in future Interactive Multimedia Design courses at FTHC. Students will begin by defining multimedia and exploring how computer graphics have evolved over the years.
Course Number
IMD 120 O